Bubble Rush Event

Bubble Rush Event


Raised so far

  • About

Bubble Rush is a fun run with a difference – it features lots of coloured bubbles!

Date: Saturday 12 June 2020

Venue: Lydiard Park, Hook Street, Swindon, SN5 3PA

The 5k course starts in a sea of bubbles and features four Bubble Stations along the route where cannons pump out coloured foam to create a 4ft deep bubble bath. The course is family friendly, so you can run, jog, walk, dance or toddle through the foam. Pushchairs and wheelchairs are more than welcome!

The event is not timed, so you’re not racing anyone – the most important thing is that you enjoy your time in the bubbles and finish with a big smile on your face! Bubblers do it for fun with friends and children – and everyone gets a medal at the end!

For more information and to enter: https://bubble-rush.com/swindon/

Every penny raised will be used to make a difference to someone at what is often the most difficult and vulnerable time in their life. We would be grateful for everyone to raise a minimum of £20.

If you would like to speak to a member of the fundraising team regarding your fundraising please call 01793 605631 or email [email protected]